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Раздел 6 / 7
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First Aid for Poisoning and Other Emergency Conditions


1. Poisoning: definition. Routes of entry for poison.

2. Poisoning: classification.

3. Ingestion poisoning: signs and symptoms.

4. First aid for ingestion poisoning.

5. Poisoning by alcohol, drugs and corrosive fluids: sign and symptoms, first aid.

6. Food poisoning: signs and symptoms, first aid.

7. Inhalation poisoning: signs and symptoms, first aid.

8. Burns: definition and classification.

9. Burns: signs and symptoms.

10. Size and degree of the burn.

11. General principles of the first aid for thermal burns.

12. Inhalation burns and upper-airway injury: signs and symptoms, first aid.

13. Chemical burns: main principle of the first aid.

14. Electrical injury: definition, local and general influence on the body.

15. Main principle of the first aid care in case of electrical injury.

16. Electrical burns: signs and symptoms, first aid.

17. Heat-related injuries: signs and symptoms, main principle of the first aid.

18. General hypothermia: signs and symptoms, first aid.

19. Frostbites: signs and symptoms.

20. Frostbites: first aid.

21. Main principles of rewarming of frostbites.

22. Drowning: definition, classification.

23. Main principles of first aid for a drowning victim.

24. First aid for bites.

25. First aid for allergic reaction.

26. Acute abdominal diseases: recognition and first aid.

27. Internal bleeding: recognition and first aid.

28. Gastrointestinal bleeding: recognition and first aid specifics.

29. Acute cardiovascular diseases: first aid.

30. Foreign objects in eyes, ears, nose, and upper-airways: first aid.


Instructions: Each question is followed by a series of possible answers or choices. Read the question and decide which answer or choice is the best.

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