только для медицинских специалистов

Консультант врача

Электронная медицинская библиотека

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Hygiene of children and adolescents is a section of the preventive medicine that studies the conditions of the life and activities of children and their impact on the health and functional status of the growing organism.

The features of standardization in children hygiene:

► the specificity of the norms;

► the inconstancy of the norms;

► norms are aimed at the development and hardering of the child's body;

► differentiation hygienic norms by gender and health state of the growing organism.

The regularities of growth and development of children and adolescents:

► the unevenness of pace of growth and development;

► non-simultaneity of the growth and development of individual organs and systems (heterochrony);

► conditionality of the growth and development by gender (gender dimorphism);

► the biological reliability of the functional systems and the body in generally;

► genetic conditionality of the growth and development;

► conditionality of the growth and development by environmental factors;

► epochal trend and cyclicity of processes of growth and development of the child population.

This section is devoted to the habitat risk factors and their impact on the health of children and adolescents. Risk factors are not direct cause of the disease, but cause functional deviations in growth and development, contribute to the onset of the disease, its progression and unfavorable outcome.

Risk factors for children health.

The biological factors:

► mother's age at birth of child;

► pathology of pregnancy and childbirth;

► exposure to occupational hazards during pregnancy;

► chronic diseases and bad habits of parents;

► rate of biological development.

Environmental factors:

► dirty ambient air;

► drinking water of bad quality;

► bad food quality;

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