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When prosthetics of defects of teeth and dentition in childhood takes place, suffice it to mention that the same prosthesis designs are used as in adults, but their manufacture at the clinical and laboratory stages has some differences, that are due to the peculiarities of the development of the dentoalveolar system of children and adolescents.

Prosthetics of defects of crowns of teeth with dental inlays

It is impractical to perform micro-prosthetics of defects in the crowns of deciduous teeth with inlays due to the short service time and the structure of their hard tissues. When restoring hard tissue defects in permanent teeth, the indications for the use of inlays should be expanded, since with their help it is possible to restore the anatomical function of a destroyed tooth as accurately as possible, and the strength is much higher than in the materials used for filling. Despite the fact that with the development of dental materials, composite materials with sufficiently high physical characteristics have appeared, including also to be used in dentistry for children, it is still common to use cement fillings to restore dental defects in children, that cannot provide the necessary anatomy to the destroyed tooth and, therefore, restore the lost function.

When restoring the anatomical shape of the front teeth with composite materials, parapulpar pins are used to strengthen the structure due to mechanical retention (fig. 18), they are rods made of stainless steel, titanium alloy, gold or platinum with a length of 5 mm and a diameter of 0,3-1,0 mm. The most popular are pins with a diameter of 0,7 and 0,8 mm. In some cases, the number of pins used depends on the group membership of the destroyed teeth and the volume of tissues to be restored. Traditionally, when restoring each area of an incisor crown, as well as each area of a chewing tooth, 1 pin is used, fixed in the hard tissues of a tooth (dentine) at a distance of at least 5 mm from each other.

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