только для медицинских специалистов

Консультант врача

Электронная медицинская библиотека

Раздел 1 / 13
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AWP - automated workplace

AWS - automated working station

ADC - analogue/digital converter

DB - database

KB - knowledge base

BFB - biological feedback

WHO - World Health Organisation

VHI - voluntary health insurance

UPHIS - Unified Public Health Information System

CHD - coronary heart disease

AI - artificial intelligence

ICT - information computer technologies

IS - information system

IT - information technologies

IEMR - integrated electronic medical record

FDCS - functional diagnostic computer system

CT - computer tomography

LAN - local area network

TDP - therapeutic & diagnostic process

LIS - laboratory information system

HCP - health care provider

RG - rehabilitation gymnastics

MIS - medical information system

MO - medical organisation

MP - microprocessor

MCDS - medical device and computer system

HDD - hard disk drive

OD - optical drive

RAM - random access memory

CHI - compulsory health insurance

OS - operating system

ROM - read-only memory

PC - personal computer

SW - software

VLSIC - very large integrated circuit

ISS - information security system

AIS - artificial intelligence system

MDSS - medical decision support system

DBMS - database management system

DC - data centre

EDPM - electronic data processing machine

ECG - electrocardiography/electrocardiogram

EMR - electronic medical record

ES - expert system

EEG - electroencephalogram

NMR - nuclear magnetic resonance

API - Application Programming Interface

BIOS - Basic Input/Output System

CMOS - complementary-symmetry/metal-oxide semiconductor

DNS - Domain Name System

FAT - File Allocation Table

FTP - File Transfer Protocol

HL7 - Health Level 7 Standard

HTML - HyperText Markup Language

HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol

IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Для продолжения работы требуется вход / регистрация