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The historical aspect of the systematisation of psychoses has already been discussed before. Nowadays, this problem is solved differently by different national schools, but at the same time, the International Classification of Mental Diseases (ICD-10) has been approved. In Russian psychiatry, there is traditionally an idea of the primary importance of individualisation of various nosological forms of mental pathology. This concept is based on the dichoto-mous division of psychoses with the opposition of endogenous mental diseases to exogenous ones. Also, psychopathy is considered to be an independent disease from the time of V.Kh. Kandinsky; psychogenic forms of reactions and mental diseases, as well as congenital imbecility (oligophrenia), are distinguished separately. Under these principles, in the works of A.V. Snezhevsky, R.A. Nadzharov, the Russian taxonomy is the following.


The diseases are mainly caused by internal pathological factors, first of all, hereditary, with certain importance in their onset of various external hazards. Endogenous mental disorders are the following:

► schizophrenia;

► MDP;

► cyclothymia;

► functional psychoses of late-life (involutional melancholia, presenile paranoid psychosis).


The main reason for the development of this type of pathology is internal factors that lead to an organic brain lesion. Also, there can be a combination of endogenous factors and cerebral-organic pathology, which manifests as a result of unfavourable external influences of a biological nature (traumatic

brain injury, neuro infection, and intoxication). These diseases are the following:

► epilepsy;

► an atrophic disease of the brain;

► Alzheimer's disease;

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