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Электронная медицинская библиотека

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3.1.1. General description

Remedial gymnastics (therapeutic exercise) is, first of all, the RT at the CNS level, i.e., treatment of the central disturbances of the muscular regulation by means of targeted exercises (K. Lewit). In essence, therapeutic exercise (TE) is the therapy of regulatory mechanisms, which uses the most adequate biological paths of mobilization of intrinsic adaptive, protective, and compensatory properties of the body for the elimination of a pathological process. Along with the motive dominant, the health is restored and maintained. The basic concepts of the essence of the TE action upon the viscerovegetative sphere are based on the following provisions.

• The stimulating influence of TE upon the patient is implemented by the reflex mechanism as the primary one. This influence is a combination of the training and trophic effects of action;

• Any reflex reaction starts with receptor irritation. Three groups of receptors affect the visceral organs: exteroceptors, proprioceptors, and intero-ceptors. The ultimate regulator in TE is proprioception (kinesthesia). The visceromotor reflexes caused by it are of both an unconditional and conditional-reflectory nature.

• Normalization of action of the visceral organs depends to a greater degree on their neuroregulatory apparatus, i.e., the autonomic nerve centers. However, the condition of the latter depends on the influences of the motor analyzer playing a dominating role in the regulation of vegetative functions during muscular activity.

• On the other hand, hypokinesia promotes the pathological dominance of vegetovascular dystonia.

• Proprioceptors (i.e., the motor analyzer in general) exert an essential trophic influence. That is proved by both the negative method - the fact of emergence of a hypokinetic syndrome upon deactivation of propriocep-tive input, and the positive method - the emergence of proprioceptive influences promotes the restoration of normal physiological functions. Therein lies the preventive role of the optimum motive mode and the mechanism of TE action in many internal and nervous diseases.

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