только для медицинских специалистов

Консультант врача

Электронная медицинская библиотека

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Class objective: to teach students (trainees) how to use PT means and forms at different patient rehabilitation stages (inpatient facility-outpatient facility-sanatorium) based on the knowledge about mechanisms of impaired function compensation in digestive system diseases.

Test questions for background information check.

1. What does the clinical and functional examination of patients with digestive system diseases include?

2. What is gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)? Signs and course.

3. What is biliary dyskinesia? Symptoms, course.

4. What is gallstone disease? Disease aetiology and pathogenesis. Symptoms, course.

5. What is chronic cholecystitis? Symptoms, course. Treatment.

6. What intestinal diseases do you know? Symptoms, course. Treatment.

7. What is irritable bowel syndrome? Symptoms, course. Treatment.

8. What is peptic gastric and duodenal ulcer disease? Symptoms, course. Treatment.

9. What is the prevention of digestive system diseases?

Skills to be mastered by the student (trainee) during the training session.

► Evaluate the patient's condition using methods of somatoscopy, anthropometry, functional tests.

► To develop a complex rehabilitation treatment program for patients with digestive system diseases.

► To determine the purpose and objectives of rehabilitation treatment.

► Administer the motion regimen, based on the disease stage, patient age and sex, as well as their tolerance to physical exercise loads.

► Determine means, forms, and methods of PT.

► Perform the session with the patient using various PT means (RG and therapeutic massage procedure).

► Evaluate the adequacy of physical exercise loads for the body condition during therapeutic and pedagogical loads, compile the medical report.

Для продолжения работы требуется вход / регистрация