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9. Contraindicated professions

Due to the fact that among the population there are separate groups and individuals with increased susceptibility to tuberculosis infection, these contingents are, if possible, protected from tuberculosis patients. Patients with acute (infectious) forms of tuberculosis are not allowed to work in maternity hospitals, medical and preventive and educational institutions for children, schools, health and sports institutions for children and adolescents. The largest contingent in this group are teachers. The second group is the professions associated with the manufacture of food products, their sale in shops, restaurants, canteens, etc. The third group is public utilities and public transport workers who are in direct contact with the population: hairdressers, laundry workers, swimming pools, train conductors on the railway, flight attendants of passenger aircraft, drivers of passenger taxis, service personnel of hotels, children’s ateliers, waterworks, librarians, people who make and sell children’s toys, domestic workers, seafarers on ships of the sea and river fleet.

Prohibited types of work. Jobs that have a negative impact on a patient who has had tuberculosis, especially with residual post-tuberculosis changes, are contraindicated. Professions associated with inhaling dust of any kind, harmful gases, and vapors (acids, chlorine, etc.) are not recommended. Work in hot workshops and with temperature fluctuations, as well as jobs with large physical and mental workloads (conveyor work, machine operator) are also advised against. Night shift work is contraindicated, as are overtime, on-call duties, and business trips.

The issue of employment of the patient is decided by the phthisiatrician with the participation of a general practitioner.

Для продолжения работы требуется вход / регистрация