только для медицинских специалистов

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Электронная медицинская библиотека

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1.1. Introduction.

1.2. Definition and List of First Aid Procedures.

1.3. General Principles and Rules of First Aid.

1.4. Scope of Fist Aid Measures at Diff erent Kinds of Injury.

1.5. First Aid Equipment.


In compliance of the International Law, Constitution of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No 323 of 21.11.2011 (as amended on 25.06.2012) "On Fundamental Healthcare Principles in the Russian Federation" (art. 18), everyone is eligible for healthcare and medical treatment. These right becomes especially important in emergency situations (ES) taking place at peace-time and at war-time.

In case of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters a considerable number of the casualties can need first aid which must be given immediately after the injury or poisoning. Experience in liquidation of the consequences of numerous catastrophes and natural disasters demonstrates that during the first and the most important for the lifesaving moments there might happen to be neither rescue nor medical teams at hand or their number might be insufficient to provide necessary help to all the victims. Under such circumstances the cardinal and quite often the only chance to save the victim's life is first aid given in a form of self-care or peer-rescue.

The article 19 of the Federal Law No 68-FZ of 12.12.1994 "On Protection of Population and Territories from Natural and Technological Emergencies" reads: "Citizen of the Russian Federation is obliged to study principle methods of protection of the population and territories from emergency situations, to learn techniques of first aid giving and guidelines regarding the usage of the personal and communal protective equipment and permanently upgrade his skills and knowledge in the above mentioned fields".

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